TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Engine stalls out when coming to a stop
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Subject Engine stalls out when coming to a stop
Posted by Felkhar on August 26, 2016 at 5:38 PM
  This message has been viewed 343 times.
Message Hope all is well guys. I have to pick your brains for a second. I have a 96 TT and have a minor issue with it wanting to stall out when I come up to a stop. The issue is only intermittent, and seems to be more common when the engine is cold and I'm coming up to a stop sign. It isn't a huge problem because it is only happening every once in awhile, but I want to solve it if I can. Even if it dosnt stall, I notice that when I slow down to a stop that the rpms seem to dip pretty damn low. Any ideas on what I should check out? All help is appreciated!

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